Special Announcement

So I’m here. I think anyhow. These things are scheduled so I might actually be there now. Here or there’s hardly the point. The point… oh right, I remember now.

The time is coming friends, readers, space-goers of far-distant reaches. Soon. Very soon, I will be releasing my first novel. Where and when is still to come, but I assure you it will be soon. There’s a few technical things to be finished but rest-assured it’s in motion. I will also be launching a crowdfunding venture for those whom wish to support me in my quest as a Wordsmith of Sol. In other words, as a writer.

For those wondering why the hell you’d ever want to give me money, I say; hey you’ve gotta’ a big mouth, how’d you like if I garnish my vanquished-foe hearts with it? I can, you know. If that didn’t shut you up, and you’re still wondering why you’d want to give me money– especially now that I’ve threatened you with certain dismemberment– I say… okay, you got me there.

The point is, I need to eat. The hearts of vanquished foes are a delicacy, and without them, I can’t subsist. (The thumbs of enlightened friends just aren’t filling past a certain age.) So in order to keep my Vanquished-Foe-Heart supply full and fresh, I need some compensatory method.

So here’s the deal, I do what I do, you do what you do, but in the meantime, you can commit an sum to me monthly so I can continue doing what I do– providing content three-times weekly minimum, as well as bonus stuff other-times. Plus, an income means I’ll be able to add to the existing content with cool, new stuff. (I’m seriously entertaining the notion of a scifi podcast.)

So to recap, you support me and my work, and I get to continue it, add in awesome stuff, and then in a few weeks (or perhaps a few more depending on how technical things play-out) my first book will go up and the crowdfunding will be launched.

Now, onto the meat of it.

What is the book?

The Omega Device is an action/Sci-Fi novel set in near present-day that follows Tattoo Artist Maggie Doherty and Homicide Detective Russell Williams. As they discover why they have become targets for an organization known only as Omega, they must also evade capture, survive harrowing attempts on their lives, and uncover the truth of a war between two, secret organizations and the ancient weapon at its center. What they find will not only radically change their view of Humanity, but also force them to act in the hopes of saving it.

You can find an excerpt below.

Russell’s lapse of consciousness ended with the Impala’s horn droning beneath his forehead. His vision flickered, body ached. He lifted his head with a groan. He knew what had happened– the van had purposely hit them, but the impact wasn’t enough to detonate the Impala’s airbag. His face had hit the wheel instead. He opened his eyes to smoke rising from the crushed front-end, felt something jerk at his seat belt. Maggie’s foggy shape came into focus.

Her hands fumbled at his side, “Damn it, wake up!” She glanced around anxiously, fought with the belt’s latch. “C’mon, before they get closer!”

He snapped back to reality, quickly disconnected the belt.

She urged him forward at a hush, “Good. Let’s go.”

And since I have you all here; If you wish to follow me or keep track of my work through other mediums you may also find me here:

Twitter: @authorsmnolan

Facebook: authorsmnolan

But that’s not all!

I’m also working on compiling the stories and poems on the site into a regular series called The Logbook Archives. Volume One is well on its way to being finished and actually already has a cover, to be revealed here soon. Unfortunately as mentioned before for the time being these compilations must remain paid. Provided I receive enough support, I can make them free. For now, they’re simply too much work and time from my regular routine to offer free. (But I am more than willing to offer them free down the line if support is received.)

Last but not least, I will also be releasing my Novellas in Ebook format with full covers and arranged as a novel might be. Some may not make the cut, but I am already certain of at least The Collective being on the list.

However, all of these items will be extremely modestly priced. As I said before, I don’t want to be a billionaire, but vanquished hearts are at a premium these days. That said, expect novels to be in the five dollar range and other things to be between 1-3 dollars. As before, these things are subject to change provided certain conditions are met, but that’s a conversation for another day.

And just so you don’t think I’m spewing madness, I’d like to mention I have eight novels, twenty short-stories, and thirty poems in various states of readiness and unreadiness. (and that number is ever-growing) So apart from my weekly posts, I’m always hard at work, but it’s high-time something more of it sees the world.

So until next time, thanks for reading, farewell, goodbye and glurbleflurble reeeeowww to you.