Poetry-Thing Thursday: Illustrate, Alliterate

A frothing phantasm of frightening fortune,
bubbles bilious in the bowels of barbarians,
while sloppily sweet is the savory saint
whose caffeinated curmudgeonly countenance creates
a portrait, a painting, of petulant ‘plaints

Vindictive vaudevillians of vicissitudes verbose
sing medleys of misers, mimed by a moose
while caroling curlers curtsy in court
‘fore a noisy, neanderthal knows not what’s nort’
and so whines at the winds then wittily wins

Surely I jest,
but you know not the test,
that which I’ve taken,
at my own request–
for business is best,
when transacted undressed.

A festering fool finds self filthy-full,
when tightened and tempered, twisted by tools,
brotherly bearing, or broken and boring,
he’s fairly faring a ferry of fairies,
by cutting contentious curtailed capillaries

And the Villainous Vixen of Venomous Vendetta
turns knife into night and now into none.
And then at dawn-down is seen dourly done,
in a fetid and festered famely-known fawn,
ready to purchase and perfect, and by perchance prefect.

And now for the rest,
that we all received blessed,
some call it death,
but I name it “The guest,”
upon whose soft breast,
I’ve been caressed.

3 thoughts on “Poetry-Thing Thursday: Illustrate, Alliterate

  1. What a clever tongue twister! I’m so happy I am able to read you again. Great poem. Looking forward to reading more. 🙂
    Oh and I thought you should know that your gravatar leads me to an empty page.


    1. Thanks! I was glad to see you were back too. I hope your reprieve was restful. I know I could use one some days.

      And thank you for letting me know about the gravatar page, I’m working on it now.

      Liked by 1 person

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